ANCH is your key to digital living.
Completely unlock the full potential of today’s multi use environments.
SecurityForget endless security checks and costly security guards. ANCH offers a safe and protected community area that drives on latest technology, which presents neighborhoods with top-notch security features such as facial recognition, image identification, beaconing and QR code creation and scanning. So, the security features provide safety for communities and are easy to use too.
LogisticsOrganize all your deliveries, taxi rides and parcels within one application. Whether you are waiting for your taxi or your food delivery – ANCH integrates all your logistic requests into one single platform.
Communications and reportingANCH has a built-in communication and reporting module to inform users on shared goals, events or other updates you want to share with your community. These communicating tools are used to share information, as well as use data analytics to discover trends and further enhance the services you want to deliver to your customers.
Public area controlMixed use real estate comes with a variety of shared public spaces. When using the ANCH platform for residential buildings, residents can easily book their spot for a leap in the pool or a workout in the fitness room. Or, when using ANCH for flex offices and hybrid work communities for example, users can book co-working desks, meeting rooms and other office facilities. By authorizing the bookings in ANCH, administrators can efficiently organize their public spaces and make sure their facilities are not overcrowded.
Property maintenance and loggingCumbersome maintenance processes are costly, and most importantly, unresolved maintenance issues are known as the biggest annoyance for tenants of your real estate. That’s why ANCH has completely incorporated the process of property maintenance for both users and administrators of your back-office. ANCH integrates your ERP system to facilitate the planning and financial handling that comes along with reporting maintenance problems.